Peds SIM encounter
I think that the SIM lab I participated in today went pretty good overall. I was overall pleased with my ability to think on my feet and answer some of the questions that I was not expecting. I enjoy doing these types of assignments because it really helps to prepare me for when I am seeing real clients in the nearing future. The SIM lab that I participated in was a huge learning experience for me. If given the opportunity to do the SIM again I would actually do a couple of things differently. As we talked about in the debrief, if given more time I would be able to connect a little more with my client. I felt like I tried to connect with her, but I wasn’t able to fully attend to her emotions as I would have liked due to a time constraint. I felt like I was talking a little too quickly at first and I began to notice I was possibly overwhelming her talking so fast with a lot of new information being presented to her. I noticed this early on and tried to slow down and t...