In today’s world ADHD is a term that we typically hear a lot about. The podcast that I decided to listen to was labeled “Can OT help with ADHD?” and I learned a lot from listening to this podcast. My first thought was big changes would need to be made to the someone’s daily routine to adapt to a lifestyle with ADHD and sensory issues, but this is simply not the case. While listening, something that I found intriguing is that making minor changes in routine or environment can really make a significant change in the life of someone with ADHD. From this podcast I learned about a sensory diet and how with the help of an OT someone with ADHD can adjust their routine and it can make a significant difference in their performance. A sensory diet is where there are times scheduled throughout their regular day for them to move and become active. This activity doesn’t necessarily mean going for a long walk, it could simply be squeezing a stress ball or even a planned exercise movement from their...