Therapeutic relationship

In our last class we learned about the therapeutic relationship between the therapist and the client. A few of the main characteristics a therapist should obtain to have the best therapeutic relationship is showing empathy, gaining trust from your client, and active listening. I feel that I have the ability to do these things, however some can be easier than others for me. I feel like one of my strongest characteristics would be showing empathy. I truly want to try understand what a client is going through and do my best to help them push through their struggles. One of the characteristic that I feel like will get better with time is allowing the client to fully trust my clinical skills. In order to do that I will need to be confident is my presentation with the client. As a new student that is something that I think will definitely get better over time, but something I currently need to work on as I learn more about occupational therapy. The last characteristic is active listening. I always try to do my very best to nod when someone is speaking so they know I am engaged in what they are saying and give my opinion when needed. I also try to ask open ended questions to paraphrase what I am hearing so I know that I understood the client correctly.


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