
Mock Interview

  I had my mock interview for the OT program today over zoom and I felt like the interview went pretty good overall. I was pretty nervous before going into the interview and I felt like I needed to have answers to potential questions in my mind that she might ask me. Then I decided to relax and just do my best and I think going in relaxed is the best way instead of having thoughts in your head about what you want to say. T o prepare for the interview I looked at the resources that was provided including questions to ask during an interview, common interview questions and answers, and words you should never use to describe yourself in an interview. I also contacted a family member that recently went to several interviews and  received  some information on how she prepared for her interviews. While I was in the interview I did not expect there to be a glitch in the connection. The screen was frozen and the audio was not coming through for a second. It took a few second...


When I first started OT school in January of 2019 we were asked to draw a picture following a rubric that portrayed our perspective of a leader. Now in July of 2020 we are asked to follow the rubric again see how our perspective has changed after learning more about being a leader throughout OT school. When looking at the previous drawing from January and comparing it to the current picture, my perspective of leadership has vastly stayed the same. One of the main differences that I can see in the portraits is that in January I believed that organization was more important than creativity when serving in a leadership role. However, in my new portrait the hair is a mixture of curly and straight meaning that creativity is also important to consider when being an effective leader. Everyone learns differently and sometimes a leader may need to be creative in order to reach out to certain clients to be able to meet them where they are.


We all have a different belief system when it comes to the things that happen to us in our daily lives, as well as why those things happen to us. Some of us have an internal locus of control and some of us have an external locus of control. When an individual has an internal locus of control, they take the things that happen and make them a positive opportunity or experience. They believe that although something unfortunate has happened to them they ultimately can make the decision on how it impacts them. These types of people do not worry about tomorrow because they know they have no control over certain events. Furthermore, some individuals have an external locus of control. These types of people believe that events and things happen to them. These people tend to be more negative and try to think of different reasons why a certain solution will not work for the problem they are facing.              I have taken the qu...