We all have a different belief system when it comes to the things that happen to us in our daily lives, as well as why those things happen to us. Some of us have an internal locus of control and some of us have an external locus of control. When an individual has an internal locus of control, they take the things that happen and make them a positive opportunity or experience. They believe that although something unfortunate has happened to them they ultimately can make the decision on how it impacts them. These types of people do not worry about tomorrow because they know they have no control over certain events. Furthermore, some individuals have an external locus of control. These types of people believe that events and things happen to them. These people tend to be more negative and try to think of different reasons why a certain solution will not work for the problem they are facing.
             I have taken the questionnaire and was scored based off of Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale and it shows that I am very close to the middle when it comes to determining if I have an internal or external locus of control. I believe that I have a little bit of both embedded within my personality. However, I tend to be just a little closer to the external locus of control then the internal locus of control. I can see that within myself because if I encounter a situation that I believe I can change; I try every way I can to make a difference in the outcome of that situation. However, if I know that a situation is out of my control, I tend to let it go and accept that what will be will simply be. 
            I believe that it is important for a future OT practitioner to understand locus of control in order to incorporate the best just right challenge for their clients. It is important for occupational therapists to understand what motivates their clients in order to relate to them. A client with an internal locus of control could be much more accepting of their deficits and more motivated to continue with therapy in order to see a change because they feel they have control over their situation. However, an individual with an external locus of control could be more upset and believe that there is not much they can do in order to get better and will need much more motivation. In order to influence this in myself as a practitioner and in my future clients, I feel like seeing results during therapy is a great way to encourage and motivate the clients. I also feel like being evidence based is a great way to show your clients that the interventions that I have planned for the day have proven to work and show promising results.


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