
We live in a world were technology is a huge part of most individuals day. One action that I do daily is answer incoming calls on my cell phone. The first movement that I would make to answer a phone call would be to raise my phone to be able to see the screen to know who is calling. During this movement my elbow is in a flexed position which occurs in the sagittal plane about a frontal axis. The next step that I will take to answer the call is bringing the phone toward my ear. When doing this motion my shoulder joint and wrist joint are moving. During this phase of the movement my shoulder is flexing and moving in the sagittal plane about a frontal axis and my wrist is in the neutral position which is between pronation and supination and is also performing radial deviation. Pronation and supination occur in the transverse plane about a longitudinal axis and radial deviation occurs in a frontal plane about a sagittal axis. The osteokinematics of the elbow includes flexion in an open kinematic chain. For arthrokinematics, during elbow flexion the ulna is the concave segment which roles and glides anteriorly in regards to the humerus. The prime mover during elbow flexion is the brachialis, biceps brachii, and brachioradialis muscles and they are concentricaly contracting.


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