In occupational therapy using the proper technique is very important. When measuring a clients range of motion making sure you have the goniometer on the correct bony landmark is essential. If the therapist does not position the axis in the proper place then the measurements will not be accurate. It is also crucial that the stationary arm and the moving arm are in the correct placement as well. If all of the parts of the goniometer are placed on the correct landmark then the therapist can obtain the best results and it increases the interrater variability of the test. Many times a therapist will record the measurements of a client on several occasions over time, so having the goniometer on the correct landmark each time will help the therapist accurately determine change over time. The test position is the optimal position for a muscle to be placed for contraction to occur. When a client is in this position the therapist can palpate the muscle or muscles that are firing and determine the muscle strength or weakness. The therapist can also determine if the substitution of another muscle is being used instead of the primary muscle. Position is also important against gravity and also when gravity is eliminated. To eliminate gravity the movement should be performed parallel to the ground. Gravity is considered a resistance. When the client is in a gravity eliminated position then the only force or resistance that is being applied is the actual weight of the limb.
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