Neuronote Stroke
For this neuronote I watched a TED talk called An Aphasiologist Has a Stroke by Dr. Robert Goldfarb and as an occupational therapy student I would definitely recommend this video. He told the story about an experience he encountered while driving one day. He expressed the symptoms that he was feeling including a stabbing pain in his eye, his body felt weird, and his speech was affected so he pulled over. It was later determined that he had a stroke and over the next few days he had several more. He had multiple TIAs and then he had a brainstem stroke. He explained that he had right facial droop, dysarthria which we learned in class as problems with motor production of speech, and paralysis on one side of his body. We had learned about these symptoms in class but seeing him and being able to piece together the information learned with an actual persons experience really helped me to understand the symptoms better. He was later transferred to a rehab facility and he explained his experience with receiving occupational and physical therapy services. He expressed that the therapy made him extremely exhausted and it made his voice become high pitch, breathy and thin, and his articulation got worse but he continued. While in the rehab facility he had an OT apartment with many different types of adaptable equipment and when he went home his bathroom had been modified so he could shower independently with a tub chair, grab bars, and shower hose just like the OT apartment had. He felt bad about the things around his house that he was not able to do anymore as well as his relationship with his wife. He mentioned that now he has to be more careful throughout his daily life due to his diagnosis. However, he is able to enjoy more of the simple things in life now that he has slowed down and became more cautious. He later said that therapy works if you are compliant and how he was able to become independent again. I chose this video as my assignment because after watching the video I was able to piece together all of the information I had learned and hear an actual testimony about how therapy had helped someone. It warmed my heart that I would be able to potentially help others the way therapy had helped him.
TEDx Talks. (2016, May 06). An aphasiologist has a stroke|Dr. Robert Goldfarb|TEDx AdelphiUniversity [Video File]. Retrieved from
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