Media project Organize with Zipties

For this particular assignment, we were given a case study and a household material and our goal was to come up with the perfect intervention for our assigned client. My client was Dennis who had a stroke on the right side of his brain. He was experiencing barriers that involved visual perception, right/left confusion and left neglect, poor attention span, insight, and judgement, poor safety awareness, impaired sensation for light touch, impaired stereognosis, weakness in left upper and lower extremity, poor dynamic sitting and standing balance, weak finger flexion and extension, and his gross and fine motor coordination on his left side was impaired. The most significant thing I learned from this assignment was to focus on the client’s interests and decide on a general activity for my intervention. Then, I was able to manipulate that intervention idea in different ways so it incorporated more of my clients barriers. When I first heard about this assignment I didn’t really know how I could use zip ties in a way that was meaningful and fun for my client, while also trying to target all the different barriers that Dennis had. I first tried to focus on one barrier to come up with the perfect intervention, and I was not able to come up with anything that I felt fit my client perfectly. Then I decided I was thinking too in depth about it. I then chose an intervention idea and was able to adapt that idea in different ways to incorporate multiple different barriers. 
One thing I learned from this assignment was that you do not have to have the most high tech or the perfect materials to make an intervention beneficial to the client. The items that I used were easily found around my home, and that also helped me come up with an idea for an intervention. I was able to look around my apartment at the items I had and brain storm to come up with the perfect intervention for Dennis. 
In the future,
I will be more confident in my abilities to come up with the perfect client centered intervention when working with my clients. I know how much thought and creativity can be used, and the different aspects to look for when creating an intervention for a client. Instead of immediately thinking about using a premade item, I can use my creative skills and create an intervention that has the just right fit for my client. Not only was I able to learn from completing my part of the assignment, but being able to talk with classmates and hear their ideas for their own interventions was a very helpful learning experience. I feel like in the future I will be able to think back to this assignment and be able to brainstorm for intervention ideas based off what I have seen through my experience as well as my classmates experiences.


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